Fallsmead@50 Fun Facts
This Month In Fallsmead: Fallsmead II Part II
Posted on April 25, 2018 11:37 AM by Melani Miller Harig
After selling the first 14 houses in Fallsmead II in 1983, the developer ran into financial troubles. The remaining 12 houses sat vacant until early 1986, when they were finally sold. By April 1986, all 12 properties (including the Ewing farmhouse) had either already closed or were about to. This brought the number of homes in Fallsmead up from 265 to 291, which is the number of homes in Fallsmead today.
The new houses on Pipestem Place in Spring of 1984, with Scott, Todd, and Devin Bradley, and Eric Tamarkin. Photo from Fallsmead 25th Anniversary Book.
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